25th Anniversary Angels!
Our work at Express Yourself is built on a foundation of collaboration and community. Over the past 25 years we have built an incredible network of support that has allowed us to provide the highest quality arts immersion programs for our most vulnerable youth. This couldn’t be more true leading to our Silver Anniversary Performance at the Boch Center in May.
Our 25th Anniversary Committee is going above and beyond to make this our most successful year yet. They have joined together to create our upcoming Friendraiser II on February 9th with special guest artists, and are also helping to launch our Valentines Day Giving Campaign. This campaign is our first ever “Day of Giving” as we seek raise $25,000.00 to support pure kid joy. Our supporter, CF Adams Charitable Trust will be doubling any new donations that we receive during this campaign!
Mark your calendars for February 9th, February 14th and May 23rd!! Don’t miss it!
Pictured above: Vicky Boylan, Karen Nascembeni, Paula Conrad, Mary Aarons, Jacqueline Martin, Kate Stavis, Therese Melden, Robyn Milbury & Debbie Ponn