Applications & Referral
To participate in Express Yourself programs youth must be between the ages of 6-18 and a completed intake application is required.
Please note before you begin:
- You will need Emergency Contact information for the applicant.
- At any time, you may click “Save and Continue Later” at the bottom of the form and complete the form at another time.
- If you prefer, you may download a PDF of the Parent form or the Agency Form to complete manually and mail to:
- Express Yourself, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 165-E, Beverly, MA 01915.
Our programming is supported by private grants and government contracts that require particular information to continue funding. All data collected is kept confidential.
Application Forms
Parents, click below to begin the application process. This information is required for youth who are not affiliated with an agency.
Agencies, click below to begin the application process.