EXYO25 Exhibition Opens at Endicott College
This week EXYO25: 25th Anniversary Performance Exhibition opened free to the public at Endicott College. This exhibition highlights the incredible artwork our youth created over the past year for the 25th anniversary performance last May. These pieces are an exciting and inspiring reflection of our youth’s joy and experiences.
Top Left: Supporters Lia Wainwright and Linda Rich with Co-Executive Director Paula Conrad. Top right: Board Members John Collins and Shaun McNiff. Mid Left: Board Member Mary Aarons and Committee Member Anne Jennings, MD. Bottom Left: Board Member Karen Nascembeni. Bottom Right: Co-Executive Director Stan Strickland played for the reception.
After a busy load-in day on Tuesday, we kicked off the fall exhibition Thursday night with a fabulous reception. Wes Sam Bruce’s rolling tunnels framed Stan Strickland and the EXYO Band as they lit up the dance floor, while several friends and contributors were in awe at towering night sky displays, moving portraitures and glowing beehives.
It’s a special experience to be able to see the youth’s heartfelt hard work up close!
The exhibition runs from September 26th-November 12th at the Carol Grillo Gallery and Desnoyers Overlook in the Walter J. Manninen Center for the Arts. It is free and open to the public.
We are thrilled to once again partner with Endicott College to showcase 25 years of youth created set design and artwork.