Good Luck Raya
As we head into winter break, we say goodbye to Raya! Raya has been an Express Yourself participant for 10 years. She first joined Express Yourself through Solstice, and has since gone on to become a core member of both the multi-arts and drumming groups. “Raya has grown and blossomed over 10 years at Express Yourself. She has become a very confident young woman. She will always remain part of the Exyo family,” remarks Paula Conrad, co-executive director of Express Yourself. Raya has starred in countless pieces at the Wang Theater and her energy, enthusiasm, and compassion light up the stage. When asked about her time at Express Yourself, Raya exclaims, “This is the best program in the entire world!” We will miss having her in the studio, and wish her the best of luck on her next adventure!