IMAGINE NATION Outdoor Drive In Theater Performance at the North Shore Music Theater

What a show!
We want to extend a giant THANK YOU to everyone involved in making this creative outdoor performance a night to remember!
This on demand performance will be hosted on our website exyo.org through June 30th. Click here to watch the show
May 20th, 2021 marked 27 years of celebrating pure kid joy! From the NSMT parking lot to devices around the world, people gathered to watch and support ExYo youth’s creativity and resilience. Special thanks to NSMT’s Bill Hanney and Karen Nascembeni for assisting us in hosting this Outdoor Drive In event for Exyo youth, their families, and our supporters.
Streamed on two large screens, families watched from their socially distanced spot and enjoyed their gift bags filled with bling and delicious popcorn. Families who chose to watch from home received gift certificates for pizza.
Each performance piece was a spectacular showcase of our youth’s talent and strength including singing, dancing, and a virtual art gallery. Youth worked in partnership with guest artists which included: an uplifting music video with Ricky Duran (The Voice, Season 17), a colorful dance piece with Carlos Thomas and Cammie Griffin of STOMP, visual storytelling with filmmaker Matt Mixon, and hybrid animal art sculptures created with visual artists Wes Bruce.
We’ve all been through a lot over the last 15 months or so, and we’re cautiously optimistic that we’ll be back together in-person so stay tuned for details on our 28th annual performance on Thursday, May 26, 2022, live at the Boch Center, Wang Theater.

Photos by Mike Dean