It’s A Wrap 🎁
The end of this challenging year has ExYo feeling grateful and hopeful. Grateful for our supportive, engaged community and resilient youth and hopeful as we look ahead to the new year.
ExYo youth and staff are looking forward to the new year and our upcoming special projects, as we begin working towards our annual performance IMAGINE NATION 2021, we are preparing for any scenario, virtual, hybrid or live!
January 2021 will kick off with STOMP performers and guest artists Cammie Griffin Tokunbo and Carlos Thomas working virtually with youth both in 1-1 and group programming to create a one-of-a-kind green screen rhythmic performance. Check out what we created last year!
An in-studio mural will be created in our new Studio Bee under the direction of our head artist, Carla Hollett Winthrop. Exyo Youth already began collaborating on this project last week by designing unique bright “Star” stickers that will become the collage part of our mural.
Near the end of the month, photographer Bobbie Bush will be taking the annual portraits of our youth in-studio and on location. Her photographs have been a highlight of our annual performance for over 20 years, capturing the pure kid joy that takes place at Express Yourself.