May is Mental Health Month

Mental health is an important part of a young person’s overall well-being. While emotional and behavioral issues are challenging, they don’t have to define an entire life. Experiences of connection and belonging can build up young people’s mental health and help them grow into healthy adulthood.

Express Yourself has been able to reach thousands of at-risk youth over the last 30 years. The activities at the heart of our programs — dancing, singing, drumming, and performing together — help foster a powerful sense of well-being and connectedness. By tapping into their own creativity, EXYO kids are able to strengthen resilience and confidence.

There’s another priceless benefit and it can’t be measured; it has to be felt:

We call this feeling Pure Kid Joy. It’s also remarkably contagious in a crowd, and we hope YOU, your family and your friends will join us for EXYO Planet on Thursday, May 23 to experience it yourselves!