The Cohannet Girls get their groove on
On a perfect sunny 70-degree day the Cohannet Girls sprung outside to get their groove on for our annual performance on May 20, 2021. Exyo Intern Massy and Guest Artist Cammie from STOMP have been leading the teens in virtual dance sessions each week, preparing and perfecting choreography for the upcoming virtual performance. Videographer James Maroney met the youth outside in the spring day to capture their dance moves. Traditionally Cohannet girls and their staff gets our audience up on their feet to lead us in a group dance, bringing us together to be One Nation Under A Groove.
Be part of our virtual show! Follow Exyo Choreographer James Runner then send in your videos to info@exyo.org to be a part of the Imagine Nation. Then make sure to tune in to exyo.org at 7:30 p.m. EST on May 20, 2021 .