We’re Turning 30!
We’re gearing up for an exciting new season — one that includes our 30th Anniversary Performance at the Boch Center-Wang Theater!
It feels like yesterday that we set up in the Wang Theatre lobby with an audience of 100 friends, family, and supporters. Soon after, we moved to the Shubert Theatre, across the street, and then it wasn’t long before we landed on the Main Stage at the Wang Theatre performing for an audience of 3,000.

To date, we have served more than 10,000 young people, and we are so appreciative of our dedicated partners at the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health and the Boch Center for all they’ve done to make this possible.
We’re also grateful to our supporters! Your commitment to the EXYO youth are essential to our continuing success. Thank you for all you do!
Mark your calendar for what’s sure to be an amazing experience — our 30th Anniversary performance is May 23, 2024.