It’s the Week of the Show!

Express Yourself’s annual performance “Come Together” is this Thursday May 21st, 2020 at 7:00pm – now virtually! This pre-recorded show celebrates a year of youth creativity, resilience, and pure kid joy. Check out the invitation below for more information and follow us on Facebook & Instagram for sneak previews of performance pieces and collaborating guest artists.
Don’t Miss It!

MONDAY: Weekly Art Prompt
Create Your Own Pizza!

What better way to celebrate show week than with PIZZA!
Ever dream of a pepperoni and hamburger pizza? What about chocolate chip and pretzel? With a little creativity and IMAGINE NATION, any kind of pizza is possible!
Pick your favorite art supplies, your favorite or craziest toppings and design your own pizzas. Share your creations with us to help build excitement towards the show!
Tuesday: ExYo Artist Video
African Drumming with Joh Camara

Master Drummer Joh Camara is back to entertain and lead you through another African drumming pattern. Grab a drum, pot or bucket and play along with Joh!
Click HERE for Joh’s Drumming Video
Wednesday: ExYo Artist Video
Forest River Journey with Erin

Take a quick break from sitting and join ExYo Artist Erin as she explores a Forest River scene – without leaving your living room! All you need is some space to move in and your imagination!
Click HERE for River Journey Video
Thursday: ExYo Mentor Video
Chef Christian Cooks a Pizza!

And as everyone knows...it’s not a party without pizza!
ExYo Youth Mentor Christian wants to help kick off your show watching party with an at-home cooking show!
Learn how to make delicious Cheese Pizza from scratch while you place your Domino’s Pizza order for the virtual performance at 7:00pm!
Click HERE for Christian’s Cooking Show
Thank you to everyone who generously donated to our Pizza and T-shirt Fund to make this party possible for our youth and their families.
Link opens at 6:30 pm at www.exyo.org and show begins at 7pm sharp!
We would LOVE for you to share your show experience with us.
Whether it’s waiting in anticipation for the show to begin, enjoying your pizza party or your reaction following the show, snap a picture of YOUR ExYo show experience and share it with us. Be as creative as you like!
We will then post your show photos and responses the next day to bring us all together again as one big ExYo Community! Send your photos to info@exyo.org.
Enjoy the show!

Looking for more IMAGINE NATION Station activities? Find them all here!
Week 1: Feel ALIVE! with Dancing, Marble Paper, VanGogh Museum and Guest Artist Amanda Mena. Click HERE for Week 1
Week 2: ILLUMINATE with Golden Light Meditation, Mandalas, Sao Palo Museum, and Guests Artist Ricky Duran. Click HERE for Week 2
Week 3: Create a Face, Glittery Rainbow Meditation, Mandalas, National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art, and a Puppet Show. Click HERE for Week 3
Week 4: Zentagling, Connect the Dots, Grand Canyon National Park, and the Around the World Dance Challenge. Click HERE for Week 4
Week 5: We get wild with Flowers and Leaves, Physical Imagination Journey, Virtual Zoo Visits, and a jungle-themed Puppet Show. Click HERE for Week 5
Week 6: Self-Portraits, Crazy Magazine Collage, Getty Museum Challenge and African Drumming tutorial. Click HERE for Week 6
Week 7: Super Hero Guided Meditation, Super Hero Self-Puppets, Rhythm with STOMP, and Origami Jumping Frogs. Click HERE for Week 7
Week 8: Create your own Island, Geometric Birds, Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, and Bennett the Puppet visits the Museum. Click HERE for Week 8
Week 10: Time for Celebration! EXYO “Come Together” responses, create your own party hats and homemade cupcakes with Mentor Christian! Click HERE for Week 10
Creativity Continues: Take a look at ExYo Youth artwork made from home: Click HERE to see youth art!
Come Together! Virtual Performance: Take a look at how our youth celebrated the show! Click HERE to see pure kid joy!