IMAGINE NATION Station: Week 10 Time for Celebration!
That’s A Wrap Folks!
THANK YOU to everyone who tuned into our virtual performance “Come Together” last Thursday and Sunday!
2210 households (at least 4000 people!) tuned into watch the show from the USA and 23 different countries: Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Singapore, Turks & Caicos, China, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Germany, Finland, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Algeria, Hong Kong, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Korea and Mali had a unique opportunity to watch and support ExYo youth creativity and resilience from the safety and comfort of their homes.
Here are some responses we received from the show:
One of our Mentors Autumn said: “The show was awesome! I was super happy that the show wasn’t postponed”
From an EXYO Parent: “Sitting here watching this with my daughter and watching her face light up is bringing tears to my eyes. We have encountered one of the most challenging years and to see something so beautifully created including her melts my heart and fills me with hope… Thank you!”
This week, EXYO youth will be celebrating with ZOOM cast parties-creating art together and sharing their favorite moments from the show.
To help kick off our cast parties, here are some celebratory projects for the week:
Christian Bakes Cupcakes!
Roll up your sleeves, get your ingredients and learn how to make delicious homemade Banana Chocolate Chip cupcakes this week with ExYo Mentor Christian!
Click HERE for link to Cupcake Tutorial
Make Your Own Party Hat!
Round Party Hat instructions
- Gather your supplies: scissors, paper (construction or computer paper), glue/tape/staples, a plate or bowl & materials to decorate (makers, colored pencils, glue, glitter, etc.)!
- Using a bowl or plate, trace a circle on your paper and then cut it out using your scissors. Make sure it’s at least 8 inches wide.
- Fold your circle in half lightly to find the center. Cut out a triangle from the circle with the point ending at the center. It should look like pacman! The wider the triangle, the more narrow your hat will be. Start small if you’re unsure
- Decorate while your paper is still flat! Using your decorating materials, create patterns and shapes to design your perfect party hat.
- Once you have finished decorating and your paper is dry (if you used paint or glitter) fold your paper into a cone shape. Bring the two edges together and overlap slightly. Place glue, tape or staples where the paper overlaps and you’ll have your party hat!
- Pop your party hat on your head, it’s time to celebrate all you’ve done with Express Yourself this year!
Party Crown Instructions
- Gather your supplies: scissors, paper (construction or computer paper), glue/tape/staples, materials to decorate (makers, colored pencils, glue, glitter, etc.)!
- Fold your paper in half the long way, like a hot dog bun.
- Cutting closest to the fold, cut a row of small triangles or half circles. Only cut at the top, leaving at least an inch of untouched paper at the bottom.
- Glue, tape, or staple two ends together.
- Time to decorate! Flatten out your crown. Using your decorating materials, create shapes or patterns on your crown.
- Once your crown is dry (if you used glue), wrap your crown on your head, and find where it fits comfortably. Ask for some help if needed! Glue, tape, or staple the crown together in that spot.
- Proudly wear your crown! You have accomplished so much this year with EXYO!
What’s Next:
This will be our last week of IMAGINE NATION Station Online art’s programming for the greater community.
Through the end of the school year, EXYO will be offering open studio sessions over ZOOM for ExYo youth. These will be open art sessions where youth can come for an hour to create visual art, play music, move and create as a group. Please contact info@exyo.org for more information.
Looking for more IMAGINE NATION Station activities? Find them all here!
Week 1: Feel ALIVE! with Dancing, Marble Paper, VanGogh Museum and Guest Artist Amanda Mena. Click HERE for Week 1
Week 2: ILLUMINATE with Golden Light Meditation, Mandalas, Sao Palo Museum, and Guests Artist Ricky Duran. Click HERE for Week 2
Week 3: Create a Face, Glittery Rainbow Meditation, Mandalas, National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art, and a Puppet Show. Click HERE for Week 3
Week 4: Zentagling, Connect the Dots, Grand Canyon National Park, and the Around the World Dance Challenge. Click HERE for Week 4
Week 5: We get wild with Flowers and Leaves, Physical Imagination Journey, Virtual Zoo Visits, and a jungle-themed Puppet Show. Click HERE for Week 5
Week 6: Self-Portraits, Crazy Magazine Collage, Getty Museum Challenge and African Drumming tutorial. Click HERE for Week 6
Week 7: Super Hero Guided Meditation, Super Hero Self-Puppets, Rhythm with STOMP, and Origami Jumping Frogs. Click HERE for Week 7
Week 8: Create your own Island, Geometric Birds, Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, and Bennett the Puppet visits the Museum. Click HERE for Week 8
Week 9: Show Week! Create your own Pizza, African Drumming with Joh, River Journey with Erin, and ExYo Mentor Christian Cooking Video. Click HERE for Week 9
Week 10: Time for Celebration! EXYO “Come Together” responses, create your own party hats and homemade cupcakes with Mentor Christian! Click HERE for Week 10
Creativity Continues: Take a look at ExYo Youth artwork made from home: Click HERE to see youth art!
Come Together! Virtual Performance: Take a look at how our youth celebrated the show! Click HERE to see pure kid joy!